Charlie Gard Mascot Monkey

What is Mitochondrial Disease?

Mitochondrial disease, or ‘mito’ for short, refers to a group of disorders where dysfunctional mitochondria are present, resulting in a variety of developmental, muscular and brain abnormalities. Mitochondrial disease is a genetic, chronic condition that is sadly progressive and can affect anyone at any time in their life. Symptoms of the disease vary hugely between individuals, but the most common symptoms are fatigue, neurological problems, visual and/or hearing impairment, heart, liver or kidney dysfunction, muscle weakness and poor growth, to name but a few. There are very few treatments for mitochondrial diseases and there is currently no cure.


Challenge 21

What will you do?

We have 21 amazing challenges that YOU can get involved with. Whether you like baking, running, crafting, gaming, horse riding, reading or dog walking – we have something for everyone!

Take on the challenge and raise funds for children and adults affected by mitochondrial disease and help us create a brighter mito future because mito matters.

Together we

Find out how you can donate to the Charlie Gard Foundation and support our work.

Charlie's Law

Charlie’s tragic death on 28th July 2017 exposed the limitations of current processes available to parents, doctors and the NHS in efforts to ensure the best outcomes for seriously ill children. Charlie’s fight highlighted an urgent need for changes in the law, policy and legal and health practice to support families, as well as medical and legal professionals involved in what are deeply emotive, difficult and life-changing circumstances.

Charlie’s parents, Connie Yates and Chris Gard, have been working with NHS medical professionals, world-leading ethicists and legal experts to develop draft legislation that will prevent further long and painful conflicts between hospitals and families with sick children.

The bill provides three key changes to improve existing legislation. Charlie’s Law will:

Prevent cases reaching court
Provide advice and support for families
Protect parental rights
Monkey Adventures!

Raise awareness and show everyone where your Monkey has been on their adventures with our Monkey Map. We’d love to know where in the world are our mito monkeys!

Would you like a Monkey of your own? Visit our shop today!

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